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Academy Houses

All students at Cornwallis Academy are allocated into one of our six Houses; Loose, Linton, Hanson, Heath, Hubbards and Salts, which are all named after iconic places of interest in Kent.

Our House System allows students to feel part of a smaller community within the academy, while promoting teamwork, responsibility, good behaviour, achievement and a sense of pride.

Each House is led by a member of staff, who are:

Linton Mrs G Rawlins
Loose Mrs E Elphinsone
Salts Miss N Burgess
Hanson Mr L Lewis
Hubbards Miss L Wakeling
Heath Mr T Finch

The houses have approximately 230 students in each and are a vertical mix of students ranging from year 7 -13. The House system overtly nurtures student leadership and is complementary and additional to the year group structure.

The structure upholds the tenets of the Cornwallis SMILE developing a sense of ownership, family, pride and competition amongst the staff and students of each of the houses. The Houses promote and celebrate the student voice; growing student leadership skills and providing leadership roles and opportunities.

The Academy students are led by a head boy and head girl with a small leadership team – the Student council being at the core.  Each house also has a sixth form lead (House Captain) who works closely with their Head of house to guide the direction and ethos of their individual houses.

The Houses engage in active promotion and recruitment of their student leadership roles at the start of every academic year.  Thereafter, with the team in place, they embark on a variety of student lead and inspired competitive activities (literary, mathematical, creative, sporting) as well as community, charity and sporting events.  The final large event of the year being the battle of the Houses in the annual Sports day event in term six.