At Cornwallis Academy, we have a dedicated and experienced pastoral team which is made up of the Safeguarding team, Wellbeing and Pastoral team.
The Safeguarding Team
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is:
- Miss S Hodges
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are
- Mr Jahanshahi
- Mrs Herlihy
- Mrs Lawson
- Mrs McHugh
- Mr McMahon
- Miss Parker
- Mrs Robinson
- Miss Sladden
- Mrs Stokes
- Mr Swain
- Mr King
Wellbeing and Pastoral team
Our experienced pastoral teams work extensively to support students in relation to a wide range of academic, welfare and pastoral issues.
Year 7 – Mr Robinson and Miss Edwards
Year 8 – Mrs Clark-Keen, Mrs Lawson and Mrs Ashby
Year 9 - Mr McMahon and Mrs Judd
Year 10 – Mrs Harding and Mrs Stephens-Clark
Year 11 – Mr Spurling and Miss Perry
KS5 – Mrs Woollett and Mrs O’Brien
Pupil Premium co-ordinator – Miss Sydenham
Family Liaison Officer – Mrs Waddington
Diversity and Equality Lead – Ms Dobson
Attendance Officer – Miss Wood
SENCO – Mrs Endicott
Parents and carers can also make contact with staff by phoning the reception (01622 743152) or by emailing the school at marking the email for the attention of the relevant member of staff.
- How can students report a concern? Students can report a concern to any member of teaching or support staff. In particular, students may wish to speak to their Form Tutor, Student Support Manager or Head of Year, or a member of the Safeguarding Team.
- How do parents/carers report a concern? Parents/carers can report a concern to any member of the Safeguarding Team by phoning reception (01622 743152) and requesting to speak to a DSL or email
- What happens when concern is reported? - The exact response will depend on the specific concern raised but could include one or more of the following:
- Key staff may provide advice / support / guidance.
- A student may be asked to write a statement so that we can clearly understand their account of what has happened and investigate further, if required.
- Staff may need to contact and involve parents /carers.
- Where students have not met expectations (e.g. including those laid out in our behaviour policy) sanctions may be applied.
- In some cases, after discussion with parents/carers, a referral to internal or external support may be made. For example, School counsellor, Wellbeing Lead, Young Lives Foundation, MIND, CAHMs etc.
- In some cases, after discussion with parents /carers, we may engage the support of our School Police Liaison Officer, PC Ingram.
- Key staff may need to make a referral to the Kent Early Help Service, Police or Social Services if higher level support/interventions are required. Consent from parent/carers does not always have to be sought.
We educate our students and raise awareness about a wide range of safeguarding and welfare issues throughout the year including through our assembly programme, tutor time programme and resources, display materials, visiting speakers and presenters, and our Personal–Social-Health-Economic (PSHE) programme.
Keeping Safe Online
Growing up in the online world has become a normal part of life for children and young people. With this continually changing technological landscape come many challenges and concerns. At Cornwallis Academy we accept that our students are digital users, but want to ensure they are using these devices safely and responsibly. Students are taught about Online Safety as part of the PSHE and Computing curriculum, spanning Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.
Our web site offers a range of useful links, giving age related on-line safety tips and advice to students and their parents and carers. This is also available on our social media pages.
We are a National Online Safety school and parents/carers can access additional tips and advice by signing up to the website using the link here: